Monday, March 29, 2010

Tank TV

I'm going to put up 500 videos on not only youtube but every other video site out there.

My goal is to be making money with my hobby in 5 years. I won't go into the details, but here are some topics for the quicky 1-3 minute shows.

Tour of my tanks = 15 shows right there!
Species sound off = I'm going to call this 20 for and easy start (my 20 plants)
Equipment Reviews= Call it 20 but this could be very ongoing.
Special Fish guests= probably about 8. but people are shy who knows
Favorite Fish Killing stories= I've got 3 i'm sure there are others
Dumbest things you've heard people do. Endless
Lighting reviews 4-5
DIY, figure CO2, lighting, ph tricks ect
Substrates 5

You get the picture there is PLENTY to talk about. I'm also going to be moving this blog at somepoint. (get us on something sexy)

You've been warned

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The things we do for lush plants.

I messed up.

I put too much CO2 in my 220 without watching my water parameters. In another post I showed how to do CO2 at home. The problem is that I didn't watch my KH.

I lowered my Carbonated Hardness, stressing the hell out of my fish. Rainbows come from very hard waters with above 7 ph. I lowered my PH with the CO2 and the growing plants sucked all of the KH out of the water.

I lost 3 rainbow in the process. Oddly they were all female. I wonder why that is? Perhaps they were the ones getting chased around and were the most stress.

Learn it from me. Don't add CO2 with out watching your levels.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Gold Fish Love

Gold Fish Rule. Plain and simple. They are hardy and have great personality and colors. It's funny because I love my rainbows and they are skinny and fast. I've also always loved nice fat fantail goldfish.

When I was about 13 I bought my first big tank. (big to a 13 year old is a 29 ;) I kept my ever growing comets and fantails in there. I also had a golden dojo loach which I would like to get another of. (The loach and the goldies got along, who knew?)

So I pumped up because yesterday I was out poking around in my ABOVE ground garden pond outside. The thing with this pond is that it sits above ground. So theoretically the water could entirely freeze because it doesn't have the natural insulation that normal in ground ponds have. So why am I pumped?

Well I didn't take out one of my boys this year and yesterday I spotted him swimming around! I was trying to take him out in December but he was hiding. I said, "alright dude, good luck." He made it.

What is also even more encouraging is that I spotted a baby today as well! So I have a second generation of goldfish rolling into this summer. Actually, this would be the second generation as I had one make it of a batch I had last year as well. (though he isn't as sexy as the ones this batch.) This makes me unafraid of leaving them in, but my problem is myself... I wanna enjoy them in the winter!

I'd like to back up and discuss how this breeding happened. I would have to say that the heavy almost 90% water changes that I did early in the summer almost weekly helped. NOTE: I did these water changes to get the muck outta the pond. Not intending to breed fish. I am excited for this summer as I am going to attempt to breed for specific types of fish. RYUKINS. Oh yeah baby, ryukins are my style. I love their high bodies and red colors. So that's the plan....too bad it's March!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Home Made CO2 Injector.

I should have done a before and after with this because I am shocked how well the CO2 works. (ok not shocked, but I had forgotten how great it was).

FULL DISCLOSURE: I found a dead rainbow in my tank this morning.

Probably the heavy drop in the PH at night when the lights were off.

However my objective was great lush plants. I have succeeded there. I'm paying the price fish-wise.

Here's how it is done...

So I added a glop of molasis, just dropping it down in.

Slap on the top with the airline tubing glued into it, screw it on, and we are done.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bryan's TV fish tank

I have to start by saying that Bryan is the complete package when it comes to fishtanks. He's uber knowledgble. He's smart but not in a considending way like a bunch of fish people I know. He'll look right at your tanks and tell you what the heck is wrong and he's usually right. He's also pretty much always down to help with whatever project I have brewing. If I had to pick one man to help me with my fish it would be Bryan...

My only real beef with the kid is that he hasn't gotten into putting dirt in the bottom of his tanks like he should. I can't blame the man for wanting to clean his gravel good with the siphon.

He's the only cat I know who can rock a school of glass cats and make it pop. But there isn't anything I can put into words to describe this kids game on his TV tank.


The kid has serious game. He's got a bunch of time wrapped up in it. But it is so worth it.

This is one of the few fishtank projects I have seen done that could actually be profitable. Much skills man. Nice Job Bryan.

(this tank had 40 views and a comment in less then one day on YouTube, the comment, "Badass"

Badass indeed

Month to Month Coraline Algae Documentation

While I haven't always been the best at keeping corals. I am sweet at getting my rock to be purple. The trick is simple. Use Calcium. Use Calcium. Use Calcium. If you have hair algae. USE Calcium. Corals are made of Calcium. Use it. I first learned this when I started dosing a tank with Kalkawasser that had horrible hair algae. It cleared up in about a month or two.

But the Proof is in the pudding.

I added 75 pounds of live rock that was ugly with no coraline algae on it at all.

Here is a video taken February 1st.

Here is a video I took on March 2nd. (Pause both videos at 20 seconds to see a clear difference on the piece laying horizontally.)

I use Seachem's reef calcium 10ml about everyday or so. Every two weeks I do about a 16 gallon water change.