Thursday, April 2, 2009

Keith's Breeding Clowns....

For those of you who haven't caught on.....

There won't be many rookies on this.

Let's leave it to Keith Howard to be the first to step up to our fish tank show and tell.

Check out these sweet true baby Percula clowns. And yes for all of you non-hobbiest these are the Nemo's.

Clown fish are one of the best fish in the hobby. Everyone has had them at some time or another. They are hardy and look sweet. If you haven't seen them live in an anemone you must. They just lay there. They obviously also look sweet in a school as babies.

I have been to Keith once and I will tell you that I love anyone with a dedicated fish room. Keiths house does not disappoint.

So you roll in and you understand that breeding Clowns isn't as easy as say Guppies or Danio's (hint hint)

Tanks are set up to make the brine shrimp. (pics soon)

You have to make their live food as well as teach them to feed at the proper time. I would like for Keith to write me a few paragraphs about this. Some of the little details and tricks are crazy

Bottom line, it isn't for rookies.

If you want one they are $15 a pop.

So what have you done with your fish tank hobby recently?


  1. I started the hobby as a typical fish hobbyist. I inherited a 29 with two Oscars and a piece of lava rock. I was fascinated at their size, appetite, and durability. They would demolish goldfish and one even survived an afternoon on the floor as a testimony to their hardiness.

    That was 15 years ago; I've learned some lessons since then:

    -You can have 10 amazing small fish and one big pacu, and people will love the pacu.

    -fish tanks somehow surpassed lizards and birds in the hierarchy of nerd hobbies.

    -your girlfriend or wife will bond with your fish. Choose them all carefully.

    -your college buddies will always be impressed by fish that eat fish/bugs/worms/mice.

    Regardless of the lessons learned, I've decided to guy my 75, put some mud in it, and try my hand at some live plants and a school of tetras.

    14 year old Jolley yells at me...

    "Get something big that eats stuff..."

    I will fight it and I will learn about plants, co2, and tiny fish that shoal- with nothing to fear but fear itself.

  2. And you will love the look of a planted tank with a group of fish in it.

    We need to get a picture up of your newly planted 75 asap.

    (gotta have a before and after pic. :)

    Jolley man, welcome to the next generation of aquarium fish.

    Planted tanks baby!
