It is with great pleasure that I present this man's fish tank. You see.... David Jolley is not only one of my dearest and longest standing friends. He is also the first person I really every got into the aquarium fish hobby with.
Our love of fish and aquariums started in the summer of 1995, i think. I will spare everyone the long details, but short, it goes something like this...
Jolley and I met via Brindle. We instantly ditch Brindle and hang out. Turns out Jolley has two Oscars and his dad just built a small pond that summer in their back yard. There is still debate over who got the better end of the deal. My beautiful comet goldfish, giant black moor and two fantails out of my 29 gallon-For his Penguin Hang-on back filter.
Multi-tank-itis takes over and soon we are setting up his 20long with convics and later the beloved 75 gallon tank. This tank would house many a great cichlid for Jolley. One time he added a Red Tailed catfish to the tank. It ate half his fish including a breeding pare of Manguense cichlids. We still are mourning that day.
Well that same 75 has housed many a fish since then. Mostly cichlids, a few sweet Fronts, shovel nose cats, rays, spiney eels.
(Pipe up Jolley and tell us what was in there before...)
Now he joins the planted tank crew.
I'll pat myself on the ass by saying that every plant you see in this tank has come from a cutting of mine. I plan on fully stocking this baby for him, my girl Lil G and her momma Leigh.
Here are some starting pics. This man is well on his way....